About Us

Our Immigration Consultants based in Christchurch specialises in New Zealand and Australian immigration visa services. We are also providing student services to individuals and also assist employers wishing to recruit migrant workers. Our comprehensive immigration, visa and education service is provided by Keshava Darmen Sengayen an IAA licensed NZ immigration adviser and OMARA registered migration agent with a high success rate across all visa categories.

Ethical & Professional

Our Immigration services provide free, professional assessments and immigration services to migrants wanting to study, work, invest or settle in New Zealand and Australia. Our company offers a Professional service with a personal, hands on approach.

Immigration is complex and requires knowledge of the correct procedural processes and a well prepared application to ensure a favourable outcome.

We will assist you to navigate the confusing pathways of temporary and residence applications to gain entry to New Zealand and Australia.

Lodging an application is time consuming and government fees are expensive, so you would expect applicants to do their homework and “get it right”.

You should not expose yourself to that level of risk.

We will help you to submit a strong visa application to  New Zealand and Australia Immigration that is also cost effective and as stress free as possible. 

With the increasing demand on the New Zealand Immigration authorities, only correctly prepared applications will get approval. Thousands of hopeful migrants are turned down or face delays, mainly due to avoidable mistakes or errors.

It is imperative that you receive sound advice to make your emigration process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

We are able to assist applicants all over the world, as Australia and New Zealand has branches both locally and globally.